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Homeschool Track and Field Day 2025

About Us

This event began when Deb Schmidt, who lives in Colon (near Wahoo), and a few other homeschool families started the track and field day in 1999. In 2006, Shana Baker from Gretna came on board as the track meet was continuing to grow. In 2012 Jeff and Tori Ryan of Lincoln stepped up to run the event. Our website manager is Steve Aschoff. Although, the meet is also really run by all of the parents and volunteers who help each year to make this event possible for their children. Participation has grown each year and the track and field day continues to be blessed by great volunteers, beautiful children, a wonderful facility, as well as respectful and kind parents! It is an enjoyable day with a relaxed and fun environment. We hope you are able to share the day with us!